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Circuit Program Designation


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Designate Your Rider Circuit / Horse Circuit

Riders are automatically placed in a Circuit based on the address on file at NCHA.
Horses are automatically placed in a Circuit based on the home address of the OWNER on file at NCHA.
At the beginning of each point year, all circuit designations from the prior point year are reset.  

Directly from the Circuit Program Rules:

  1. Designating a Circuit
    1. Riders and/or horse owners may designate a different circuit by submitting written notification to the NCHA office.
    2. Horse owners may designate different circuits for each of their horses for competition in horse-based classes.
    3. Previously Earned Points:  If a rider and/or horse owner submits a written notice changing a designated circuit at any given time during the point year:
      1. Point totals are set to zero upon the change of designation to a different circuit.
      2. Any points accumulated in the previous circuit(s) are not transferable and will be lost.
      3. Any shows completed prior to the designation change in the different circuit will not be retro-actively awarded.
  2. Horse Transfer / Sale
    1. When a horse changes ownership during the point year and the new owner’s home address is the same circuit as the horse’s current circuit, the horse will not lose the earned circuit points.  
    2. When a horse changes ownership during the point year, the designated circuit for the horse will automatically be changed to home circuit of the new owner. Circuit assignment shall be based on the address of the new owner on file at the NCHA office when the office is notified of the sale/transfer.
    3. When a horse changes ownership during the point year and the new owner’s address is in a different circuit than the horse’s current circuit, the horse can retain points earned in the current circuit IF the new owner notifies the NCHA office AFTER the sale AND BEFORE the horse is shown under the new owner that the new owner would like to keep the horse in its current circuit.  If the NCHA office does not receive notification from the new owner of their desire to keep the horse’s current circuit BEFORE it is shown, the horse’s circuit will automatically be changed to the home circuit of the new owner and all points earned by the horse in the previous will be lost.
  3. Point Year End
    1. At the beginning of each point year, all circuit designations from the prior point year are reset. Riders and horses are placed back into their “assigned” home circuit.


Do you want to designate the same circuit for other members of the family?
Do you want to designate a circuit for HORSES that you own?

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National Cutting Horse Association
260 Bailey Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Office Hours

Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm CST