Legends Live Forever
Jun 13, 2022, 11:31 AM
Jay Winborn
A statement from Jay Winborn regarding the passing of the legendary Buster Welch.
Legends Live Forever

There are moments in your life that you will always remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when a specific event occurs that has a profound impact. As a child, I vividly remember the passing of Elvis Presley and again a few years later when we lost John Wayne. I remember exactly where I was when the events of 9/11/2001 took place.
Yesterday was undoubtedly another one of those days. We lost a true living legend in our cutting family. While I did not know Buster Welch as well as some, we met three years ago shortly after my hire. I did know of him, many years before I met him. His presence in our industry was not just due to his accomplishments in the arena. It was what he accomplished outside of the arena that truly made him who he was.
During my time here, I have met numerous people whose lives were truly impacted by Buster Welch. His philosophy of the horse, the cow, the people, and how it all works together have made a substantial and enduring mark on our industry.
I had the good fortune to spend some time visiting with Buster at the Futurity a couple of years ago. I listened intensely to his words as he was talking about the horses and the runs going in the arena. Buster was on a different level. He was, is, and always will be THE master.
As we move forward as an association, we will all remember Buster Welch. I will remember what I knew of him before I met him, what I learned from him once I met him, and from the countless memories of those close to him.
I will also always remember the hot Sunday morning in June, sitting on a horse when I got the word of his passing. Saying a prayer for him and being thankful for the time we spent together.
We are a culture, a family, and a way of life. Creating undying memories, LEGENDS LIVE FOREVER.