Lauren Minshall, Vine Grove, Ky., scored 221 points riding Lafite R Hot LTE $59,615 on Thursday, March 11, for the NCHA Eastern Nationals $25,000 Novice Non-Pro championship. Julie Beasley, Montgomery, Ala., posted 220.5 with CR Dualin Out Tuff LTE $108,516 for the reserve championship, while Lauren Minshall placed third with 218.5 points showing Reyz Your Chelada LTE $23,673.
When she was 14, Lauren Minshall, currently the NCHA earner of $432,198, showed Suggies Travelin to win the 2005 NCHA Eastern Nationals Senior Youth championship, and the next year, Minshall and her Travalena daughter won the NCHA Eastern Nationals $20,000 Non-Pro. Since then, Minshall has won and placed in many limited age events, including as Non-Pro 4-Year-Old champion of the 2015 AQHA Congress Cutting on Lafite R Hot, and as the top Non-Pro 4-Year-Old Intermediate finalist, as well as fourth-placed finalist showing Reyz Your Chelada, by Reydioactive, in the Non-Pro Finals at the 2020 Augusta Futurity,
Lafite R Hot, a 10-year-old daughter of Spots Hot, also placed tenth on Monday in the Open Finals under Gabe Reynolds, who showed her to claim third-place money in the 2020 Augusta Futurity Open Intermediate.

Julie Beasley, the NCHA earner of $301,241, first showed CR Dualin Out Tuff, by Woody Be Tuff, to place ninth in the 2018 NCHA Non-Pro Futurity. In 2019, the pair won the Breeders Invitational Amateur Unlimited, the Ike Hamilton Futurity 4-Year-Old Amateur, and the Cotton Stakes 4-Year-Old Amateur.
Austin Shepard, who had been showing CR Dualin Out Tuff as an Open limited age event finalist for Beasley, won the 2020 NCHA Eastern Nationals $5,000 Novice on her and came back this year, on Monday, March 8, to win the Open championship with 223 points.
Bred by Center Ranch, CR Dualin Out Tuff is out of the Dual Pep daughter ARC Catty Dual LTE $168,762, the dam of earners of $647,481.
The NCHA Eastern National Championships Presented by 6666 Ranch continues through March 13, 2021.
To read more from Sally Harrison, visit her blog at sallyharrison.com.